The Universe is within you.
ASTROLOGY COMES FROM A GREEK WORD, ASTROLOGIA, that means “a telling of the stars.” Those “tellings” are the oldest knowledge on Earth. Just look at the Venus of Lescalle, carved on the wall of a cave in France 25,000 years ago. The 13 notches in her crescent horn are a telling: the moon, women, and time are all connected by cycles.
The stars are telling us that the Cosmos is not dead, but profoundly alive and intelligent – and that we are part of it. It’s time to start listening. Because we’re at a turning point.
Every atom in your being and mine was made in the heart of an exploding star. The entire multidimensional, reality-bending Cosmos isn’t only around you. It’s also within. Understanding what that means can change everything.
The answers – and far more importantly, the questions – are in your stars. It’s time to put yourself back into the wild and daring creativity of the Great Mystery you’re made of. It’s time to come into a deeper resonance with that vast, unpredictable, and daring mystery we call “life” – that began, like you did, in the stars.
Prehistoric statue, the Venus of Laussel, carved 18 to 20,000 years ago. Picture of the original kept in Bordeaux museum, France (black background), Photo Credit: photo 120, œuvre dont l'auteur est mort depuis environ 25 000 ans, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons.
The Universe is within you.
That’s not just poetic thought:
It’s foundational truth.
The luminous, hot star Wolf-Rayet 124 (WR 124) is prominent at the center of the James Webb Space Telescope’s composite image combining near-infrared and mid-infrared wavelengths of light. Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI, Webb ERO Production Team. Source.
COME WORK AND PLAY AND WONDER WITH ME. In a time when everything is changing, come more fully alive to the change that you’re part of. Because the explosion of creative intelligence we call the Universe is within you.
Whatever it is, it will bring you alive. And life is unpredictable, changeable, astonishing, comforting, inspiring, disruptive, glorious, heart-breaking, exhausting, exhilarating — and above all else, daring.
It’s daring for the sperm to penetrate the egg. It's daring for the egg to plant herself in the womb, for the buried seed to make its way against gravity, for the flower to open, the leaves to unfurl, and the sun to rise.
ASTROLOGY is both the world’s oldest wisdom tradition and a dynamically evolving framework for putting ourselves back into the Universe and coming into a deeper resonance with the creative intelligence of the Sun and the moon, and the galaxies, pulsars, and nebulae.
When we bring the astonishing new discoveries about the Universe — and our own solar system — to the ancient frameworks developed by the Sumerians, Egyptians, Greeks, and Persians, we see an even deeper and more startling truth: this ancient and evolving body of knowledge is uniquely suited to helping us re-imagine your lives, and our place in a world in metamorphosis.
AS A STUDENT OF ASTROLOGY AND MYTHOLOGY — and also of history, art, and quantum physics — for over 40 years, I’m more deeply compelled with each passing year by their relevance to the opportunities and the challenges we face, and of the potency they can bring to our capacity to live in ways that are vibrant, creative, and transformative.
If you’re looking for someone to tell you “what” will happen to you, that’s not me. Unlocking the mysteries and the magic of the Universe within you allows you to step beyond the predictive patterns of statistical probability — and into whole new levels of possibility.
If you want to expand the horizons and deepen the roots of your life in a rapidly transforming world — from your relationships to your imagination, from your politics to your finances — and begin to live from your own creative wellspring, there’s no better place to start than your birth chart.
I look forward to working with you on your astrological journey of discovery.
Your Star Sister,
Marcia Wade
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Best reading ever.
You’re totally meant to do this work. So many insights. Your way was clear and loving. Gratitude.
Feeling hopeful again.
My tired numbness is gone. I learned I need to remember who I am, and who I want to become. So rich in detail. Much to absorb.
Expanded awareness.
Deep and profound gratitude for holding space for me to expand my awareness of who I am becoming.
So much more aware.
You have created a magnificent container. I am so much more aware of the magic around me, and the support that is available.
The neurons in my brain created new connections for hours afterward. I have clarity about the way to go, potential obstacles, and how to overcome them. A soul-nourishing experience and priceless gift.
Blown away.
From your illuminating remarks to your depth of experience and perception from group shares was transformative. I felt uniquely met, enriched, and empowered by you and your offerings.