ASTROLOGY IS THE BEST TOOL for personal growth and transformation I’ve ever found. There are many ways to use the living cosmic map that is your birth chart to more clearly and deeply see your own life. From your creativity, vocation, and relationships to your finances, health, and quest for meaning and impact, astrology offers deeply empowering insight on your unique transformational power — and how you’re being invited to take your life to the next-level.
Cosmic Power of You
A single reading, offering an overview of the most important issues and themes of your life as they are unfolding at the present time. These sessions can offer you information and strategies for any area of your life
Cosmic Immersion
A three-session deeper dive over a time period that allows for integration – allows you to ground deeper into the unique medicine you bring to the world.
Mentoring & Transformation
$ Varies
A focused, multi-session container that supports you in using yoru birth chart as a life-transforming resource to support quantum leaps in vocation, relationship, resourcing, and creative expression. Each mentoring program is customized for your unique needs and goals after an initial session.