Capricorn New Moon asks you to deepen your commitment to risk

It's always a bit dreamlike and surreal these days in the end-of-the-year rabbit warren. Behind us is the long night of Solstice, and the big, bright noise of Christmas (even if our own was anything but). Before us, the full stop of New Year’s Day. The new moon forming in the creation fields beneath the surface was barely on the radar -- until our Star showered us with the most potent cascade of starbursts in memory.

In less than 25 hours this weekend, you and everyone on Earth was drenched with 23 powerful M-flares and two X-flares. The star-coded message was urgent. In case you had any doubts, we're traveling not just between years now. We’re moving between worlds.  

Arriving right where 2024 started, are we ready to really see it, with new eyes? 

2024, the year of everything extra, began with a "time to woman up" Capricorn New Moon, so of course that's how it would end, isn't it? All this way, with all the drama and angst, to get where we started -- and finally, to see it with new eyes.

When we look at the new year (or the old one, either) with our old eyes and all their worn-out expectations, disappointments, and bitterness, the astrology of 2025 looks challenging. But if we're willing to look again, more closely -- through a lens that's not drenched in fear -- what we see looks quite different. Especially in the year's spectacular second half, 2025 unfolds with an astonishingly beautiful geometric precision and elegance that looks like an invitation into a field of grace.

What we see depends on the perspective we're looking through. If you take just one thing with you into the new year, take that. You can thank me later.

This is why the new moon on December 30 - which won't become an official waxing crescent until the morning of January 3 -- is crucial. The choices you're making today, and over the ones ahead, are creating the structures that will hold all the reality changes of the year ahead. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that makes it the most important of your life.

Because you don't need an astrologer to tell you that radical, dramatic, unmissable change is coming. Your bones are already informing you of that. And they're right.

But what I can tell you can be game-changing you. I can confirm your intuition -- and acknowledge that it goes straight against the grain of just about everything we've learned about how to stay sane and move forward. And for the next year, that's what you need more than anything else. Because in 2025, it's new rules all the way.

The crazy wisdom of a major lunar standstill is kicking in big time now

All year long I've had a lot to say about what Saturn, our Reality Keeper, and Neptune, the Great Blue Dreamer, are doing in those Pisces dream fields. What I haven't really talked about at all, though, is the way Luna has been dialing up all the feels. There's a reason for that -- and for the major lunar standstill that's unfolding within and around us in 2024 and 2025. To thrive in 2025, you need to move out of your status quo reality -- whatever that is for you. We all do.

This isn't about being right or being wrong. Not at all. It has absolutely nothing to do with that. It's about activating the alchemy of inner change -- so you can receive the imprints in real time as reality shifts all around you.

And while it's (relatively) subtle now, that's not going to last much longer.  

The Moon is pushing you into the extreme. She's doing it for a reason.

All of us here on this extravagantly beautiful blue jewel called Earth process everything that comes into the field through Luna first. To her nonverbal, intuitive gifts, we all our capacity to be fully present to whatever is arising in our field.  And 2025 is a year of major lunar standstill. She's as extreme as she can be -- and if you want to be present for reality change in 2025, you've got to be extreme in your willingness, your daring, and your yes.

For years at a time, Luna's not extreme at all. She stays within the bounds of the Sun, and the consensus reality. From 2012 until 2020, that's what she did. Not a single day for eight years did Luna grow so tired of normality that she went over the line the Sun never crosses.  

If you were born in one of the long stretches when the Moon goes out of bounds over and over again, month in and month out, once or twice in a lifetime won't do it. You need to live out of bounds -- outside the ordinary -- to be present. And when those lunar standstill periods come around -- when the Moon can't keep herself away from the cosmic wilds and all their danger and magic -- we all go out of bounds. 

Major lunar standstills come only once every 19 years -- and they're surrounded by a few years of increasing intensity, and then a long stretch of decreasing intensity. It's the Moon's way of telling us that if our world is to change, we must feel it. We must live it. We must go out of the bounds of consensus, conformity, and predictability.

The Law of the 9: When the heart opens, transformation can happen

Today's new moon is the third of five in a row -- from the Scorpio New Moon on November 1 to the Pisces New Moon on February 27 -- in 9'. In numerology, a tradition as ancient as astrology, 9 is the number of completion, where hearts open, cycles end -- and transformation happens.

None of these five moons is more extraordinary than the one coming tomorrow. The third of five, it's the tipping point. The Sun and Moon will be in the same degree as a strange pair of tiny planets you’ve likely never heard of. Their names are Quaoar and Pholus, and they’re making 18 conjunctions between 2022 and 2023 – something they haven’t done in over 400 years.

Quaoar is an Edge Dweller who activates the medicine of an indigenous American creation deity -- who sings and dances new realities into being. (The time to start singing, Nicole, is here. Sing your dreams to the sky every morning and to the trees each night. Dance with them while your water boils and the line at the grocery is long.)

Pholus is one of the cosmic integrators known as centaurs. Like us, he's part one thing and part another, and his medicine helps us embody our own authentic wholeness, not someone else's idea of who we should be. He does it by showing us the wounds we carry for our ancestors.

At this new moon -- and throughout the new year it seeds - these two are the same. Whatever we're singing and dancing into being will be shaped by our relationship with the ancestors and their wounds. Can you hold them without judgment or blame, but as the evolutionary assignment they are? It's never mattered more.

As the moon cooks in the alchemical cauldron of your bones, Mars and Pluto are tightening their square. Your agency is being transformed this week, Nicole. Pay attention to where you're giving your power. The stakes are not as high as you think. They're actually higher than you can know.

It's a lot. This year is a lot. Who you came here to be is a lot, Nicole. That's why my dear and brilliant Nicole Lena and I have poured our wild hearts, passionate souls, and hungry minds into creating a four-hour activation -- with an option to continue throughout the year in monthly integration circles. We've alchemized Start from Within out of our own bones -- because we know we've come for this.

You can read all about here or purchase it now to receive instant access to the lifetime recording.

With biggest love, and showers of blessings for a new moon and a new year,



When the Shining Ones Return: Mars & the Lunar Standstill


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