Leo Season 2024: Living the Questions That Can Change the World

Hello, Beautiful,

It’s time to see the questions as the great teachers they are, to fall in love with them and learn from them how and where we're ready to expand beyond resistance.  When the universe is inside you, the star stuff being flung by our Sun into the heavens isn’t just an outer event. It’s an inner event. Off the charts levels of life-creating energy are erupting in you, too. 

That's why I'm convening a Living the Questions Circle from August 15 to September 5, as a  small, high-trust space to: 

  • Contain -- and live -- Mercury's August retrograde from Virgo to Libra, exploring the relationship between shining and serving, between creating and aligning -- and between being enough and being a transformative part, and claiming both the treasure we seek and the cave we fear to enter as wise and valuable parts of our own being.

  • Embrace the creative uncertainty between Jupiter and Saturn, as they turn the Gemini and Pisces houses of our birth charts into temples for honoring the creation forces of the Cosmos itself, present in the messes of our lives and of our world.

  • Listen deeply to the great transpersonal beings, Uranus, Neptune, and Saturn as they come to transformative turning points in their soul journeys -- and ours t00 -- in the days, weeks and months ahead.

  • Receive the questions of our own birth chart and begin to discover the hundreds of ways we can make living them the heart of our lives at this turning point for our beautiful, broken, deeply regenerating world.

Each session will be divided between:

  • In-depth discussion as we share our experiences with the questions that both guide and trouble us, and create a living field for the alchemy of the question to come alive within and among us.

  • Astrology presentations that equip us to use our birth charts, and the astrology of these times, as the co-creative fields of opportunity they actually are.

Enrollment will be limited to ensure an atmosphere of trust, openness, confidentiality, and exploration.

We’ll meet by zoom at 6 pm UK Time / 1 pm Eastern Time / 11 am Pacific Time on the following dates:

  • August 15: Opening to the Questions: Uncertainty as a Cosmic Path

  • August 22: Mercury Rx and the Power of the Question

  • August 29: When Reality Becomes a Question: Jupiter Square Saturn

  • September 5: Asking Transformative Questions: Pluto in Capricorn and Aquarius

Fee: $150


See Clutter to Clarity? You’re in the Right Place

For more information on the Living the Questions Circle, a personal Living the Questions reading, or to sign up for either one, visit this link or send me an email at starsisterastrology@gmail.com.  I look forward to hearing from you, and to joining you in learning to live the questions the Great Mystery we are made of is asking us. 

The skies couldn't be clearer about the invitation that was seeded into the Leo house of your one-of-a-kind birth chart this morning. August 2024 is all about what happens at the border between stasis and breakthrough -- and the magic that occurs when we come to that border in ways that are both heart-centered and star-powered. There's a truth waiting for you at almost every turn this month if you can hold the space to see that those are the two essential ingredients that catalyze your life's cosmic foundation.

The truth of your being, renewed at every Leo New Moon of your life, sounds so simple it's easy to miss its game-changing power. Leo is the home sign of our Sun, our solar system's only star.  And you are made from stars, designed to live in ever-expanding resonance with the entire universe and in ever-deepening intimacy with the star who is our solar system's Great Heart.

That might seem disconnected from the nitty gritty of the here and now. Except for just one crucial thing. The stars are both far away and as close as the ground beneath your feet. Everything you know and love, from the tree outside your window to the laughter of your dearest love, is made of them. When you resonate with the stars, you're turning on a trillion invisible connections to the power that you're part of. 

You literally dwell, in fact, in the living field of our solar system's Heart Star. That's why it's so vitally important to live in resonance with it. The one thing most likely to keep us out of resonance is our ignorance of the central fact about the Sun -- that she's a creative furnace of intensity, for whom generating new energy is a way of life.

For the ancient Greeks, the root word for "heart" means "continuously moving." This month, the heart is making up for lost time.  If July was a sea change, August is a wildfire. It's not a minute too soon -- or too late -- to open your heart and your life to its purifying flames.

Heart on Fire: 2024 Leo Season

The Great Heart has clearly had enough of the "stasis" phase of our collective metamorphosis. With a level of power no one could have predicted, what was expected to be one of the weakest solar maximum phases of the Sun's cycle is now looking to be one of the most powerful in recent memory -- and perhaps much longer.

In the summer of 2024, the heart field you live within is in a near-continual eruption of stellar potency. Our Sun is shattering the illusion that she's immune to the intensity we experience, inhabiting these bodies on Planet Earth. Living both at the center (of the solar system) and on the edge (of existence), the Sun is nothing if not a furnace of creative intensity. If at any moment the Sun did not create a level of energy equal to everything she's ever before generated -- in her 4.6 billion-year-old life -- she would implode.

When I first became aware of this, it seemed exhausting. Each year that I sit with this knowledge, though, I realize how deeply regenerating and exhilarating it is. I've come to see the confidence and courage and shine our Star bestows with a far deeper awe and gratitude. I've begun to understand that every challenge, no matter how insurmountable it may seem, is actually a treasure trove of trapped life force. This is the great lesson waiting for us this month -- and in the months and years ahead.

The problem is, we don't live in a world that welcomes us to the edge -- but we do live in one that pushes us there, often quite harshly. How do we come to the edge creatively and responsively, without falling into the abyss? How do we stay connected to the center, without losing our own creative intensity? How do we take responsibility for our own creative intensity, so that the world does not have to live out our unclaimed transformative power as well as its own? Where is your life already longing to be drenched in star stuff? What is the price of denying that longing?

These are far from abstract questions, and their answers are as unique as the question is urgent. Where's your Leo house? And your Sun? How strong is fire in your birth chart? How do you hold it? What feeds it? These are important things for you to know now. 

Always important, now they can be game-changing. Fire, creativity, and transformation are vitally necessary -- and potentially dangerous.  Fire plays a crucial role in inspiring and motivating us -- and also in clearing the dense undergrowth of stuck energy and stale thinking that keeps new life from taking root within us. 

If we can't give fire both the space and the containers it needs to burn safely within us, what can it do but spill over into a destructive life-destroying scourge? Isn't that what happened in 2001, the last time solar activity came anywhere close to the levels we're experiencing now? If we can open our minds and hearts to the star fire showering our world, in a way that's wide and deep, we can be incubators for expansion and growth, both personally and collectively. 

As always, the Cosmos -- the greater intelligence we're part of -- has our back. We don't have to "save the planet" or "make" anything happen. We only have to come into deeper resonance with the Mystery that made us and learn how to ride her waves, not generate our own. And it's urgent that we do that.

Again, the ones who have already been here are the poets and the mystics. Remember what Rumi said? "Let the beauty you love be what you do. / There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground."

Global Shift Is Going Next Level -- and You're at the Center of It

Because it's not just unprecedented levels of solar activity that are moving through your field and mine. Everything about the astrology of the coming days, weeks, and months, tells us that global shift is going next-level too. Coming into the resonance that can allow turbulence to become exuberance, tumult to become reconfiguration. The medicine is already present in the field.

As our Sun unfurls ever more star stuff into the heavens, and Pluto prepares to return to Capricorn for the final time -- a precision mission to retrieve something crucial an necessary, and to release something toxic and moribund -- Mercury's turning retrograde. And the two giants, Jupiter and Saturn, are moving into their first square since they conjoined in 0' Aquarius at the 2020 Winter Solstice. The meetings of the Large Ones -- known as the Great Conjunctions -- are crucially important. They're the way we update our understanding of the kinds of containers we need to sustain abundance, blessing, wisdom and flow. 

A Great Conjunction happens every 20 years -- but the one in 2020 was a once-every-800 years reality shift, plunging us into new and unknown territory when it comes to creating a sustainable future, personally and collectively. Up until then, we'd been creating our reality structures with the tangible, practical frequencies of the earth signs --- for 200 years. From 1801 until 2000, 20 Great Conjunctions happened in Earth (with a single outlier in 1980-81). 

Much of the disorienting quality of the last four years is rooted in this shift into the unfamiliar frequencies of ideals and ideas as ways to create abundance. We've been strangers in a strange land. Our expectations and our experience are no longer matching up with the Now.

This month, though, Jupiter is breaking new ground for us -- and he's doing it in Gemini, the Messenger's sign that's often compared to the butterfly for its curious, playful attraction to flower after flower. No sign is more open to new perspectives, new information, and new connections than Gemini.  When Jupiter is here, our blessings, our luck, and our wisdom are too.

As Jupiter squares Saturn, he's inviting us to embrace the uncertainty and unknowing that will be a defining signature not just of this lunar cycle, but  for the better part of the next year.  All the blessings we seek will arise from that uncertainty.  Without embracing crisis -- including at the personal level -- we won't be able to activate the well-spring from which the good future will arise. 

If we can understand the giants' message -- that the way forward is not doing what worked before, but in opening our minds and hearts wide to the question of how to create structures that can hold the levels of abundance and blessing we need -- we can save ourselves so much time and worry. This is the time, as the brilliant Caroline Casey says, to "expand beyond resistance" -- but not so much that the dam breaks. 

Or, as the poet Rainer Maria Rilke -- who was born with Jupiter square Saturn -- advised a young poet, “Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now."

Containing crisis and creativity: Living the Questions: An August 2024 Circle of Inquiry

What happens when there’s a massive level of creative life-force energy moving through the system -- as there is now and will be for the next 11 years -- depends on many factors. You are one of those factors. Will enough of the system be able to resonate with the energy? Or will it feel overwhelmed and go into lockdown? Will its capacity to function be stressed?

Our culture is noticeably short of containers for meeting crisis and transformation, much less for living -- and honoring -- the questions. Everybody has answers.  

Yet if we can't live -- and love -- the questions, how do we get where we are not? How do we come to know what we don't even realize we're unaware of? The Cosmos has so much to wisdom to offer us as we seek to find the point where our Earth Mother lives -- and learn to be stable enough to hold the life process of ongoing and constant transformation on terms that we do not set.  

It’s time to see the questions as the great teachers they are, to fall in love with them and learn from them how and where we're ready to expand beyond resistance.  When the universe is inside you, the star stuff being flung by our Sun into the heavens isn’t just an outer event. It’s an inner event. Off the charts levels of life-creating energy are erupting in you, too. 

That's why I'm convening a Living the Questions Circle from August 15 to September 5, as a  small, high-trust space to: 

  • Contain -- and live -- Mercury's August retrograde from Virgo to Libra, exploring the relationship between shining and serving, between creating and aligning -- and between being enough and being a transformative part, and claiming both the treasure we seek and the cave we fear to enter as wise and valuable parts of our own being.

  • Embrace the creative uncertainty between Jupiter and Saturn, as they turn the Gemini and Pisces houses of our birth charts into temples for honoring the creation forces of the Cosmos itself, present in the messes of our lives and of our world.

  • Listen deeply to the great transpersonal beings, Uranus, Neptune, and Saturn as they come to transformative turning points in their soul journeys -- and ours t00 -- in the days, weeks and months ahead.

  • Receive the questions of our own birth chart and begin to discover the hundreds of ways we can make living them the heart of our lives at this turning point for our beautiful, broken, deeply regenerating world.

Each session will be divided between:

  • In-depth discussion as we share our experiences with the questions that both guide and trouble us, and create a living field for the alchemy of the question to come alive within and among us.

  • Astrology presentations that equip us to use our birth charts, and the astrology of these times, as the co-creative fields of opportunity they actually are.

Enrollment will be limited to ensure an atmosphere of trust, openness, confidentiality, and exploration.

We’ll meet by zoom at 6 pm UK Time / 1 pm Eastern Time / 11 am Pacific Time on the following dates:

  • August 15: Opening to the Questions: Uncertainty as a Cosmic Path

  • August 22: Mercury Rx and the Power of the Question

  • August 29: When Reality Becomes a Question: Jupiter Square Saturn

  • September 5: Asking Transformative Questions: Pluto in Capricorn and Aquarius

Fee: $150


See Clutter to Clarity? You’re in the Right Place

For more information on the Living the Questions Circle, a personal Living the Questions reading, or to sign up for either one, visit this link or send me an email at starsisterastrology@gmail.com.  I look forward to hearing from you, and to joining you in learning to live the questions the Great Mystery we are made of is asking us. 

With biggest love, and all the transformative blessings of the Great Heart in which we dwell,



Capricorn New Moon asks you to deepen your commitment to risk


Pisces New Moon